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Google’s May Search Ranking Update: What You Need to Know

In early May, 2023, the SEO community started buzzing about a potential algorithm update by Google. This update has been dubbed the “Google May Search Ranking Update” by many in the industry, although Google has not confirmed the update at the time of writing.

Here’s what we know so far about the update and how it could impact your website’s search rankings.

What is the Google’s May Search Ranking Update?

The Google May Search Ranking Update appears to be a broad core algorithm update, which means it affects all search results and is not specific to any one type of website or search query.

According to reports from SEO experts and webmasters, the update appears to have begun rolling out on May 1st or 2nd and is still ongoing. Some websites have reported significant changes in their search rankings, while others have seen little to no impact.


What is the Update Affecting? 

As with any broad core algorithm update, it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what factors are being affected. However, some SEO experts have speculated that the update may be targeting websites with low-quality content, as well as those with low-quality links and other spammy tactics.

Other experts have suggested that the update may be related to Google’s ongoing efforts to prioritise user experience (UX) in search rankings. This could mean that websites with slow load times, poor mobile optimisation, or other UX issues may be penalised in the rankings.

What Can You Do Following The Update

If you’ve noticed a significant change in your website’s search rankings in May, it’s important to look closely at your content and SEO strategy. Some steps you can take include:

  • Conduct a content audit: Review your website’s content and identify any low-quality or spammy content that may be dragging down your search rankings.
  • Focus on User Experience: Take a closer look at your website’s user experience and identify areas where improvements can be made, such as page load times, mobile optimisation, and navigation. Don’t forget to ensure strong internal linking so your customers can quickly move from page to page. 
  • Build high-quality links: Focus on building high-quality links from reputable websites in your industry rather than relying on spammy tactics.
  • Monitor your search rankings: Keep an eye on your website’s search engine rankings over the coming weeks and months to see if any further changes occur.

While it’s still too early to say with absolute certainty what impact the Google May Search Ranking Update will have on the SEO landscape, it’s important to stay vigilant. While its possible any lost rankings will return, its recommended looking at your SEO strategy to ensure you meeting current best practices. 


The Google May Search Ranking Update is still ongoing, and it’s unclear what specific factors are being targeted. However, by focusing on high-quality content, UX improvements, and reputable link building, you can help ensure your website remains competitive in the search rankings.

UPDATE | 16th May 2023

Aside from the latest Google algorithm changes pointed out in this blog, there have been significant developments in the world of search that require our undivided attention. The latest update has been making the rounds in recent days, and it appears to have arrived on the same day as the Google I/O live. As a result, this unsubstantiated modification has been dubbed the “Google I/O Search Algorithm Ranking Update.”

It is important to note that this recent update differs from the helpful content upgrade and the new Google Search Generative Experience. It also varies from the previous May ranking update in terms of effect and volatility. While not as dramatic or extensive as the last May upgrade (which remains unverified), it has nevertheless caused significant fluctuations in rankings, affecting businesses and individuals within the SEO community.

Several reports have appeared in the last week revealing various instances of keyword ranking reversals and repairs. Furthermore, some have seen losses in traffic and rankings ranging from slight tweaks to catastrophic drops. Notably, AdSense users have seen significant revenue drops that were unanticipated.

In lieu of these recent developments, it’s imperative to keep a close eye on your metrics and regularly monitor your keyword rankings and website traffic. To avoid any potential harm and to mitigate the chance of further ranking drops, it is best to ensure the best SEO practices possible are being used on your website. Staying up to speed on algorithm updates may be quite beneficial, and numerous tools can help in this endeavour. SERPStat, Algoroo, Cognitive SEO, SEMRush, and Moz Cast are among the tools that give important insights about fluctuations and changes in search ranks.

It is important to recognize that search algorithms continuously evolve, and unexpected updates can occur. By staying proactive and responsive to these changes, you can adapt your strategies and maintain a competitive edge in the digital landscape.